Monday, August 27, 2018

Powerball at the Fair

Rusty and Walter were having a fun night at the state fair when they came across Rupert Wolf hyping how easy it would be for anyone to win at his game by knocking over milk bottles with a baseball. What Rupert didn't tell anyone is that his aluminum milk bottles were weighed down with lead and glued with Grizzly Glue, known to hold any object in place no matter what force it came across and no one who tried even came close to success. Walter told Rusty to give it a shot and not to go gentle with these bottles, he didn't know if Rupert was a trustable character. That wolf told Rusty to go ahead and give it his best shot and that if he knocked all three bottles down that he could have any of the plushies above him. Rusty looked towards his best friend and said, "Wish me luck Walter!" to which he replied, " Go ahead Buddy!" Rupert grinned and let out a sinister giggle. Rusty threw the baseball to between the bottom of the bottles and they all flew off the table, to Rupert's amazement, along with the pieces of the table itself!

(c) by Roger Adkins

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The Art and Ramblings of Roger Adkins