Monday, March 5, 2018

Funny Rat Tickling in Stocks

Walter convinces Alphonse the Rat to come over and visit him in Paw Valley. After Alphonse comes over he takes him to the home of some friendly beavers where he tells the huge rat that he will have a good time. Well, they arrive they are escorted down stairs and into the basement, which the beavers claim is their party zone. When they get downstairs Alphonse notices all kinds of restraining devices and the beavers get together and help him into some stocks! Apparently, Walter has made friends with the Tickle Beavers and he is making sure that Alphonse has a few good laughs down there!

I felt that since Alphonse Lavallee has made a couple of drawing for me that I repay him in kind! :D
Actually, the drawings he made for me are more innocent in nature, but I thought he may enjoy this drawing! Anyway, this is my way of saying thanks!

(c) Alphonse the Rat by Alphonse Lavallee
(c) Walter Ringtail and artwork by Roger Adkins

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The Art and Ramblings of Roger Adkins